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interactive installation

Below Breath Body Rocks

To come alive through rock’s images and sound, this interactive installation needs the viewer's lungs and guts. Breath becomes a hacker of the skin’s visual boundaries. A porous continuity between rocks and bodies of flesh emerges.

Project developed in collaboration with Lisa Mazenauer
Exhibition views at Galerie C
Commissioned by Fête de la Danse Neuchâtel
interactive installation interactive installation

Below Breath Body Rocks is an immersive installation conceived as a living organism activated by visitors' breathing. Through an interactive and sensitive sculpture, we question the limits between the inside and outside of bodies through breathing.

interactive installation interactive installation
interactive installation

Breath becomes a vector that transcends the porous boundaries of skin, "the boundaries between our flesh and the flesh of the world" (Nancy Tuana, 2008). Rocky materials considered - in the "West" - as inert or non-living enter into motion through video and sound. A continuity emerges between rock bodies and human bodies.

interactive installation interactive installation

You have a project you want to elaborate or you wish to host a workshop?
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any request or additional information.